Welcome everyone! I hope you enjoyed a relaxing break over the summer and that our students’ batteries are recharged for the challenges and opportunities of the new academic year.
I have the privilege of announcing a significant milestone for the Stephen Perse Foundation. In 2017-18 not only are each of our 3-11 schools now fully co-educational, the Senior School welcomes its first co-educational year group into Year 7.
Our early female pioneers in the late nineteenth century are today emulated by the girls and boys who are embarking on their own exciting educational journey with the Foundation - and they can look forward to joining our co-educational 6th Form in the future.
In addition to welcoming new students across the Foundation, we also welcomed new staff.
Junior School
Dame Bradbury’s
Senior School
I take this opportunity to say farewell to Mr Simon Armitage. Having served the Foundation diligently for 10 years as Head of 6th Form and Director of Communications, Mr Armitage has secured a promotion and will be moving on later this term. He leaves with our thanks and best wishes.
It is important to pause for a moment and reflect on the success of the 2017 cohort who have completed GCSEs, A Levels and the IB Diploma Programme. We congratulate them all on their impressive examination results. I should particularly like to highlight the success of our 6th Form who are moving on to diverse destinations and courses. We are proud of their achievements and wish them all well.
I am delighted to announce that we are close to taking full occupancy of the new build on the Senior School site. Having been part of this building project from its inception, it is really exciting and satisfying to see our plans translated into reality.
I should like to thank Mrs Jenny Neild, our Bursar, who along with our project management team, has led this complex build working closely with a range of experts. Special thanks also, to the Maintenance Team who ensured Year 9 form rooms were properly equipped in the new build for the first day of term.
By early October we shall be taking full advantage of all the facilities offered by this transformational building. This is a few weeks later than planned - unfortunately, because of the unprecedented wet weather in August, the humidity in the building prevented the laying of wooden floors. We are extremely grateful to Keir for their Herculean efforts to minimise the operational impact of this to a mere three week delay.Fi
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Such is the interest in the new look Senior School, we are experiencing an unprecedented demand from prospective parents for Open Day, who want to come and have a look.
We are also aware that other families in the Foundation would like to visit the new build. We have therefore decided to adjust our plans to accommodate as many people as possible.
The Senior School Open Morning for prospective parents will move from Saturday 23 September to Saturday 14 October.
We shall be offering an Open House event for families in our Junior School, Dame Bradbury’s or our Pre-Preps on Thursday 9th November between 5-8pm.
Current parents in the Senior School and 6th Form are welcome to visit the new build on Friday 13 or Wednesday 18 October between 4-6pm.
I look forward to meeting many of you at these various events.
Best wishes,
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