On this page you'll find our most recent inspection reports from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
Independent Schools Inspectorate Report 2023
This was an unannounced additional inspection at the request of the DfE which focused on the school’s compliance with the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 (ISSRs), the National Minimum Standards for Boarding 2022 and the requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework. The visit was focused on the junior schools, senior school and sixth form, including our boarding provision. Stephen Perse are delighted to report the inspection found that the school met all of the regulations forming the focus of the inspection. The report is available to download in full here.
Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report 2021
The report of the recent Independent Schools Inspection (ISI) that took place at the Stephen Perse Foundation on 12-15 October 2021 has just been published. Stephen Perse are delighted to report that the key findings in the achievement of the pupils and their academic development was ‘excellent’, the highest judgement possible. The report is available to download in full here.
Regulatory Compliance Inspection 2017
This Regulatory Compliance Inspection, unlike a full Integrated Inspection, exists to confirm that the Foundation meets every condition and remains fully compliant with the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, relevant requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and associated requirements.
The report is brief and simply states that we have met all the required standards - it is available to download here.
Integrated Inspection 2014
Our 2014 inspection report judged the quality of achievement and learning to be "exceptional" across the Foundation from ages 3 to 18. It is available to download in full here.
The "exceptional" rating was rarely awarded and placed us amongst the 5% of schools to achieve it. In all other areas – pastoral, academic, extra-curricular, leadership and governance – we were deemed to be "excellent", the highest grade available for these areas. Highlights from the 2014 report include:
“From the Early Years Foundation Stage onwards, pupils of all abilities and needs are highly successful in their learning and personal development. The school fully meets its aim to provide a dynamic and exciting learning environment which allows pupils to excel and prepare for their place in an increasingly international world.”
“The exceptional educational experience provided is a result of a strong shared vision of what the future might hold for the young people of today and the education needed to support this.”
"The excellence of the curriculum is a significant feature in the exceptional achievements of the pupils."
“Pupils throughout the school are highly motivated, enthusiastic and active learners whether working independently or collaboratively.”
“Cultural diversity helps to make the school a rich and fulfilling environment for its pupils.”
“Digital devices are used naturally and intuitively inside and outside the classroom, simply as another effective learning tool.”
“The quality of links between the school and parents is excellent and strongly supports the school's aims.”
“Relationships between staff and pupils and between the pupils themselves are excellent.”
“Learning habits such as resilience, collaboration and curiosity are skilfully incorporated into all activities, equipping children for problem solving, stimulating creativity and critical thinking and preparing children exceptionally well for the next stage in their learning.” (Madingley)
“Pupils achieve at a high level and make excellent progress... They develop an enjoyment for learning … Pupils feel motivated and enthusiastic.” (Dame Bradbury's - read the report here)
“Teaching in the Senior School stimulates pupils’ interest and enables outstanding progress in knowledge, understanding and skills. Teachers are aware of the pupils’ individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. They are secure in their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter being taught and the positive relationships between teachers and pupils is a particularly strong feature." (Senior School)
“They can think for themselves and the teaching of Theory of Knowledge ... provides a forum for students to articulate and express their exceptional knowledge from different areas of the curriculum with confidence.” (Sixth Form)