Across all Stephen Perse sites, our children, young people, staff and their families support a range of local and national causes. These include:
- Pro bono venue hire for Accuro, a small charity in West Essex, supporting local children, young people and adults with disabilities, by providing fun, safe and inclusive services. Their services reduce social isolation and empower members by providing accessible social and leisure opportunities to develop life skills, gain confidence and self-esteem and make friends.
- Our regular Friday lunchtime concert series, which resumed in the 2022 Autumn Term in two new venues - St Paul’s Church on Hills Road and Great St Mary’s. The regular concerts at St Paul’s provide an opportunity for our talented soloists to perform to a sizeable public audience, as well as friends of the school. The St Paul’s concerts follow on from the church’s lunch club, which provides warmth, food and companionship for members of the local community.
- British Red Cross Appeal for relief in Ukraine.
- Our Stephen Perse community sponsors twelve Malawian students, fundraising to support their education fees at home in Malawi.
- We also partner with Nakuru’s Children’s project in Kenya. Nakuru Children’s project works with children and young people in Kenya to help them escape poverty through provision of a high quality education, equipping them with the skills that they need to achieve their potential and improve their life chances and outcomes.
- Students, staff and families contribute to collections of clothing, toiletries and gifts for Wintercomfort. Wintercomfort is a day-time support hub, working with homeless and vulnerably-housed people in Cambridge, helping them to rebuild their lives beyond homelessness and our donated clothing and items are used at the centre to support people sleeping rough in Cambridge.