Published on 17/10/22
On Tuesday 4 October, Year 5 students from Junior School Fitzwilliam Building and Junior School Dame Bradbury's met at Latham Road for their first Collaboration Day of the year.
Old friendships were rekindled and new ones formed as the Year 5 pupils launched into the day’s activities, based on the topic of migration. We created stop motion animations, describing journeys undertaken by migrants from across the world.
Exploring the Nature Reserve with Mr West allowed pupils to learn more about migration in the natural world. Working outdoors at the reserve provided the perfect setting in which to discuss the migration of birds, with many migratory species visiting reed beds and wetlands throughout East Anglia. We discussed some of the factors which cause birds to undertake such hazardous and arduous journeys, and the children had some excellent suggestions, like escaping from freezing conditions, finding a better place to raise their young and exploiting the food resources in a different habitat, all of which are true.
An impromptu appearance by a tiny frog near the banks of the River Cam helped to stimulate a discussion of why some species, like this one, do not migrate and, again, the children had some thoughtful suggestions about other means of surviving the chill of winter, including hibernation or staying underground as an egg or plant seed.
Finally, we discussed the question of whether plants migrate. It was agreed that, while plants can’t climb up on their roots and wander off, they can effectively migrate to colonise new areas, by sending off little emissaries in the form of seeds. We were lucky enough to see (and experiment with!) lots of examples of seeds, carried by the wind or stuck to the fur of animals (or children’s clothes!).
Our third activity was a scavenger hunt around the Senior School, trying to locate different places from a series of photos. There were lots of opportunity for exploration. When the activity coincided with lunchtime, impromptu collaboration between Senior School pupils and Junior School pupils developed, as the seniors readily joined in and helped their younger counterparts to find their way around. They were pleased to show off their school and junior pupils were excited to have the chance to see what is in store for them in few years’ time. As one junior student remarked: “I can’t wait to come to this school. I want to be a student here now!”