Published on 03/06/20
This week Dame Bradbury's has been more lively than in recent weeks with the return of years 1 and 6 to school where they have adapted fantastically to the social distancing measures put in place. See below what all our year groups has been learning whether on-site or remotely.
Year 1
Year 1 have settled well into their new environments and are enjoying a range of activities both indoors and outdoors. Creativity and friendships have been the highlight this week, through various class based and forest school activities. The children particularly enjoyed creating their own art work using natural resources, with Andy Goldsworthy as their focus. Whilst social distancing, friendships and new types of games have been invented.
Year 2
The children have continued to love their Plan Learn Do Review lessons. Their creativity and enthusiasm for project work has maintained at a high level. Each review session we have a bring and share so the pupils can show each other their creations. It has been great to see the children's analytical skills develop through questioning how things work and how certain elements are made. Also to see how one pupil's model and idea has inspired their peers. Through the creation of cat homes, parent surprises, cuddly toy bars and teddy swings we have some very happy pets, toys and parents!
Year 3
Last half term year 3 enjoyed their thematic learning topic ‘Think Change’, thinking about sustainability and learning ways to improve the environment. They had fun creating bird scarers from recyclable materials and showed imagination and creativity in making pencil pot holders.
Year 4
4B have responded brilliantly to the challenges of live remote teaching with focus and good humour. They have thoroughly enjoyed their Zootropolis thematic learning topic, covering a great variety of activities from creating habitats out of anything they had at home to researching endangered species, making animations about an animal, being a virtual zookeeper for the day and creating fact sheets about looking after a pet. In RS, 4B designed some beautiful symbols to represent Pentecost. Their work has been amazing! Miss B is a very proud teacher!
Year 5
I continue to be left in awe of our teams during remote teaching,
The collaboration and resilience seen are far reaching.
Children logging in with smiles and a loud 'hello' for each session,
Teachers (and parents) paddling fast to maintain their swan-like impression.
Colleagues and students at home and now some back in school,
Working together, working hard, working to give their all.
5W were delighted to share a form assembly before half term focusing on resilience and taking the opportunity to thank and encourage our teachers. We navigated the fun of a live Google Meet assembly delivered to 200 screens, before sharing a video story about identity and encouragement. We look forward to continuing our ‘remote’ journey this term by working together, staying positive and doing our best. See 5W's story here:
You Are Special by Max Lucado, Illustrations by Sergio Martinez. Published by Candle Books.
Year 6
It’s been so nice having Year 6 back at school. Their first social distancing PE lesson on Monday morning was a great way to start the day, after going through the new routines and rules to stay safe. Break and lunchtime picnics have been a highlight and enjoying our new playground layout making sure we stay in our ‘bubbles’. 6DD think there is a gap in the market for school zorbs. They like the idea of literally ‘rolling out of bed and rolling up at school’!
Meanwhile, 6K have been enjoying their new theatre classroom - staying socially distanced in such a big space whilst remaining in their bubbles has actually been quite easy, what a resilient bunch they are!
Another highlight has been remote music lessons: a joy watching the children all singing along together, preparing for the Young Voices worldwide event on Tuesday afternoon.
Asking the pupils what their highlights are so far, Charlie said: ‘I’ve come into school everyday really excited to see my friends again.’ Sophie has particularly enjoyed eating outside, as has Georgina and Emily.
We’re looking forward to enjoying more lessons outside in the fresh air and a less socially isolated way of learning.