Published on 27/02/18
On Thursday 22nd February Year 3 pupils from the Junior School visited Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes, as part of their work on risks and safety
Hazard Alley is an interactive centre where children can explore the risks we encounter in everyday life and learn how to stay safe. Year 3 pupils learned about different emergency situations and practised how to make a call to the emergency services. They also learned that it is very important to listen carefully to the questions, that the person on the telephone might ask, and they did well to remember key information, like the name of the street and what has happened to the injured person.
They learned about basic First Aid and how to put someone into the recovery position if they faint. It was tricky to remember the sequence of instructions but they all did well.
The pupils worked together to explore hazards that might occur in the home; these varied from leaving plastic toys near an electric fire to leaving medicine tablets on surfaces where toddlers and young children might find and swallow them. Much discussion was also generated around keeping ourselves safe on the internet. They rehearsed how to make sure everyone leaves the house quickly, calmly and safely in case the fire or smoke alarm sounds.
The children were excellent ambassadors for the school during this trip and were complimented on their behaviour and participation during the visit. Well done Year 3!