Published on 04/12/18
Stephen Perse Foundation student Rylan becomes 2018 Honda Cadet Standard Champion, and begins to compete at national level.
Year 7 student Rylan has this year become the 2018 Honda Cadet Standard Champion in the Bayford Meadows Kart Racing Club Championship event in Kent. Rylan races with Project One Racing (East Anglia), and won his title in style. His championship trophy will be presented at the awards ceremony on 5 January.
This weekend, Rylan competed in his first National Level race at PF International. This was a big step up for Rylan as he was competing at a track he had never raced at before and in challenging weather conditions. He was also competing against racers from across England, Wales and Scotland, representative of the field at the forthcoming National Championships. Rylan secured 13th place overall, out of a field of 36 competitors, and was the 3rd place Rookie. This was a fantastic achievement for Rylan in his first race at this level, and we look forward to hearing about his future karting successes.
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