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Prepare to be a responsible global citizen of the future
The Junior School at the Fitzwilliam Building is one of two Junior Schools in the Stephen Perse Foundation educating boys and girls following the same curriculum and vision for education designed to encourage independent, creative and reflective thinking. The Junior School Fitzwilliam Building is located in Cambridge; the sister Junior School at Dame Bradbury's is located in Saffron Walden.
"Our school is a friendly, busy place where what you already know matters less than what you can learn. Where horizons expand rapidly – taking in science, languages, sports, music, drama and fundraising. Where positive learning habits and thinking skills are part of every lesson ... ”
This is a place where good habits are formed – resilience, persistence, questioning and decisiveness among them. As preparation for life, we ensure our pupils gain more than just knowledge.
Our integrated learning projects allow young people to explore links between different disciplines, stretching creative thinking and connecting ideas.
What happens in the classroom is just half the story. Here sport, music, drama and a host of other activities are integral to learning.
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