Published on 18/05/20
The Stephen Perse Classics Department have been leading the way with facilitating the teaching of Classics remotely in schools up and down the country.
Bloomsbury Academic, the publisher for their new KS3 Latin text book de Romanis, has partnered with Classoos, a provider of online digital resources, to allow for free access to de Romanis materials during school closures. de Romanis serves as an introduction to the Classical world as well as the Latin language, and many schools have been keen to use the culture and context materials as a way of promoting interesting and creative extension work in the context of remote schooling.
At the time of writing, more than 30 schools have signed up to use these resources. You can read more about the appeal of the de Romanis course content by looking at Katharine Radice's blog on the transition to Remote Classics in schools: