Published on 30/05/19
On Monday 13 May, all pupils studying French in Y7-Y8-Y9 and Y10 had the opportunity to watch an interactive comedy called, “La Salle des Enigmes”, performed in French by the Onatti company at the Senior School. A big thank you to the two actors but also to our pupils for their enthusiastic participation!
Please read below some of the comments from our students:
I liked the French play because it was very funny, I liked how they used volunteers because it made it so interesting and fun. It was very clear and clever how they used the door. I think things like the baby made it that much funnier.
Iona - Y7
I liked the play and I would recommend it to anybody. It was a very fun way to learn French. I really enjoyed it.
Andrea- Y7
The play in French included a man, a woman and a baby with people from the audience trying to get out of an escape room. The play was performed entirely in French. It gave some practice in listening and speaking French. It was interesting and helped us learn French.
Tommy- Y8
The show was performed entirely in French, it showed 2 characters called Marie and Jeremy. The show was performed on an ancient Egyptian background, the overall goal was to solve a French puzzle. It was a show that heavily contacted the audience, making them repeat the French used on stage as well as getting volunteers to actually go on stage. It was an interesting play, showing how people spoke to each other in French
Tommy- Y8
La salle des énigmes was fun and at the same time, educational. We learnt lots of useful words and phrases from the play. Also, it was really nice that the students could get involved in the play with the actors. I would absolutely recommend the play to students next year.
Stella - Y9
I really liked the performance of La salle des énigmes as it is was very interesting and enhanced/developed my French listening skills. The acting was very humorous and the actors included the audience which made it more engaging and funny for me. The whole story itself was very imaginative and creative. Overall, the actors were great and I loved the experience!
Archie- Y9
Regarder ‘La Salle des Enigmes’ était une merveilleuse façon de nous exposer à la langue française - la pièce était interactive, amusante et enrichissante. La langue était parfaite pour notre niveau de français - pas trop facile et pas trop compliquée. Je crois que chacun de nous a appris beaucoup de nouveau mots. En tant qu’élève de troisième, j’ai trouvé que c’était très utile pour comprendre des points de grammaire que nous avions étudié au cours de français. En fait, j’ai été étonnée par la quantité de mots que j’ai compris!
Nadia - Y10
Le spectacle ‘La Salle des Énigmes’ était une comédie très marrante et amusante. Marie et Jérôme étaient dans une salle des énigmes et ils essaient de trouver la sortie, avec l’aide des volontaires. Pendant le spectacle Marie et Jérôme ont aidé le public plus jeune à résumer les chiffres et tous les élèves ont appris des mots nouveaux, notamment comment dire ‘higher’ et ‘lower’ en français (plus haut et plus bas respectivement). Il y a eu un moment quand Jérôme a dit que toutes les filles étaient stupides! Je ne crois pas que c’est vrai, et quand Marie a attaché Jérôme au mur pour lui donner une bonne leçon, j’étais très heureuse. Finalement, Jérôme s’est excusé et il a dit que toutes les filles étaient intelligentes et plus tard ils ont trouvé la sortie. Pour conclure, j’ai beaucoup aimé le spectacle parce que c’était très comique et éducatif.
Tara- Y10