Published on 14/09/20
Dr Allison Curry, Stephen Perse Head of Guidance and Careers and teacher of Biology, has been awarded the OCR Level 6 QCF Career Leaders Qualification.
Awarded by the CDI (Career Development Institute), the qualification is designed for practitioners in education to plan, design, lead, manage and continuously improve careers guidance in educational settings. The programme focuses on skills that “motivate and empower individuals of all ages to make effective transitions in learning and work”.
This important achievement reinforces Dr Curry as the qualified Career Lead for the Stephen Perse Foundation, a significant role in the organisation and particularly important in her work helping students decide on appropriate subjects, courses and universities as well as future careers after studying for A Levels or the IB Programme. This award also supports the Foundation’s mission to excel in the Gatsby Good Career Guidance Benchmarking criteria such as developing a stable careers programme and linking curriculum to careers, see Gatsby Good Career Guidance.
Dr Curry said: “In addition to the wealth of information accumulated, working towards this qualification has facilitated a much wider perspective of the careers and higher education market. I am delighted to use this prestigious qualification to take our 11-18 guidance and careers programme into its next exciting stages of development’’.