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Published on 29/01/20

Another very successful language taster day was held at Dame Bradbury’s, with children in Year 6 getting the chance to sample both German and Mandarin language lessons to supplement their already regular French and Spanish lessons at school.  

The half day workshops enabled children the opportunity to practise their German and Mandarin language skills as well as learning a little more about the culture of countries where these languages are spoken.

I really enjoyed the Mandarin classes,’ said Emily and Bella.  ‘I’d like to learn more Mandarin because I think it's an important language to learn as we grow up.'

'I’m thinking about doing more Mandarin in Year 7’ added Bella.

‘The German lessons were really good,’ commented Ted and Toby.  Toby also said that he ‘did not realise German was spoken in so many countries.’

Languages and an understanding of other cultures continues to play an important part in our outward looking curriculum at Dame Bradbury’s. These language  taster days are an important part of opening up the world to our young learners.