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Published on 04/07/17

From sight to sound and taste to touch, Year 7 explored their senses in June as part of their Integrated Learning Week.

Throughout the week, Year 7 enjoyed a range of different lessons - from sound experiments to sea poetry and religious experiences, and from sensory deprivation exercises to projects using sensors in control.

They also explored sensory perception through drawing, sensing our environment now and investigating how  people used their senses in ancient times in a week that is a release from the normal curriculum. Local company Treatt visited and showed how different flavours were added to food and how they affect the taste and smell of products.

Each topic is designed to help the students develop new ideas and connections in their learning and the students then presented what they had learned in presentations. Year 6 pupils also came in to help celebrate the work and add a 'buzz' to proceedings.

Roger Bett, Design Curriculum Leader, said: "The students made some really interesting connections which was very evidence in their presentations. We are already looking forward to next year's event but it will be hard to better such a good theme as this one!"