Published on 01/07/21
Earlier this week Rosedale House Year 4 set off on the moovalous Cows about Cambridge art trail, a public art event where 90 cow sculptures have been individually decorated by artists and dotted around Cambridge city.
First stop was the Cambridge University Judge Business School to see a cow themed around the Animal Farm novel. Pupils enjoyed the STEM cow and a break on Queen’s Green before heading into town to catch up with the rest of the herd. Opinion was divided on which cow was the favourite but The Mooon Cow and MooMoo-o-Tron III proved popular choices. A picnic lunch on Parker’s Piece was a definite highlight, after which we saw the last few cows on our trail, including the Cambridge United Cow and the Moss Cow who was grazing outside the Botanic Gardens. Pupils were very amoosed by the trip and well exercised as they had walked close to 8 kilometres. They all agreed it was a legen-dairy trip and a great way to begin the end of year celebrations.
See below pictures of the trip with a pun-filled commentary by Mrs Heywood: